Friday, September 22, 2006

Your voice,
How bad I need to hear it.
Your beating heart,
How bad I need to feel it.
Your touch,
How I long for it….


Why You and I?

What is It?
Yearning? Craving? Wanting? Desiring? Urgency!


You! Me!

Love Love
Love Love
Love Love

I believe you were to me God sent,
For you I would live in a tent,

I am thankful and gracious and understand what a gift,
To try and live without you, the whole world would shift,

From a beautiful, peaceful and happy kind of place,
I don’t want to think it, this I couldn’t face.

You fill up my thought, my dreams and my prayers.
A life with you gives me a feeling of no worries or cares.

Just knowing your beside me, with me, and in me,
I know what is real and right and what is supposed to be.
For my life, I am sure that you are the key

Thankyou for this wonderful chance,
Thankyou for this wonderful dance,

Thankyou for believing in Us
Because being together, that is a must!

How am I going to live without you?
How am I going to breath without breathing in you?
How am I going to see without seeing you?
How am I going to taste without tasting you?
How am I going to hear without hearing you?
How am I going to live without you?

One foot in front of the other one, I am told.
Just keep going even when lonely and cold.

Each moment hurts, being so far away.
How long is it that I can bear to stay?

Why am I doing this? Torturing myself so?
Is it, I am a self sufficient woman I am trying to show?

I am Independent, and Smart and Worthy to be…..
I want to be good enough for you don’t you see!

I want you to be Proud and hold your head High
When being with me, Just you and I.

I can do this because I think its important.
I can do this because I don’t want there to be any resentment

But why o why should there ever be?
I just want to feel like I am worth you loving me.

I am going away to work and work hard.
To prove what? So that you don’t think en’retard..

“What was I doing?” What was I thinking?”
When your bank account size has so steadly been shrinking???

(it just rhymed so well and was so funny!)
(I want to say this is not about money!)

I want you to know for sure and sure well….
The aren’t enough words in the world that can fully tell.

I love You, My Dear, I Love you so much,
I can't give up your taste, smell and your touch.

I just want you to know I am doing this for us.

Its You that I can never resist.
Its You that I have to be kissed

Its You that I cherish and adore
Its You that I always want more

Its You that I have so much respect
Its You that I want to be with if in a ship wrecked

Its You that I never want to be without
And this is what I haven’t a single doubt.

What is it about you?
That makes me feel so….?
What do I feel, when I think about Us?
What do I feel that makes my heart say Whoa?

You. Me. Two pears in a pear tree? Nobody saw it.
They didn’t understand.
What was I doing with James the Englishman.

I knew right away you were full of Humor and Wit,
But anyone could see that even a twit.

It took a little while, but I saw your big Heart
And in your direction was where my soul flew like a dart

Your Smart, and Kind and Patient and Fun.
Your Honest and Loyal and Love me a Ton.

How lucky and am I?
I ask myself daily…
Why does he love me? How am I able?
To accept Your Love and Give it right Back?
Because if I didn’t my Heart would Crack

It is so Precious. It is so True and Real.
Can I give You the Honor that you deserve to Feel?
That’s what I am trying….
When cooking every meal.

When ironing every shirt, hanky and pants that you wear,
It makes me feel that its my love I am trying to share.

What can I do?
To do for you what you do for me?
The feelings you give me I want to give back times three.

My actions my words,
What can be enough?
I know it can’t be given through stuff.

I give you my Word, My Life and My Heart
To the one of which I never want to be Apart.

We belong together, we are perfect you see.
We belong together just you and me.